Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

Surat Lamaran

                                                                                                              Jl. Raya Hankam No. 84
       Bekasi 14743
Thursday, 11th June 2015
Attention to:
Personal Manager
Blue Sky Export-Import
Jln. M.H Thamrin 56-58
Jakarta 10001

Dear Mr/Madame.I would like to apply an accountant officer for Jakarta Office of An Australian Export-Import advertised in Jakarta Times of 11th June 2015.

As you can see in my curriculum vitae my education and my work experience as accountant officer has given me excellent accounting skills.

I enclose my curriculum vitae and would be glad to meet you for an interview one day after 12th June  2015.

I look forward to hearing from you.

                                                                                                              Your faithfully,

                                                                                                            Indra Dwi Saputra

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